Why EnPower

Why EnPower

You only pay
for clean power.

First, we’re different than most solar companies. We don’t design and sell you a solar power generation system you need to finance and maintain.

We design a solar system to meet your needs, we build it, we own it, and we operate and maintain it. It doesn’t cost you a dime. All you do is buy clean energy — at a low, agreed-upon rate that’ll save you money.

We don’t replace the power company.

We supplement the power company. You just use less of their product and more of ours. And you save money. In fact, we promise to lower your monthly bills. With no up-front or maintenance costs for you. Just savings, that’s all.

We can make solar work for you.

Solar energy generation is nothing new, but today’s technology is more affordable, reliable, and flexible than ever. Panels can be mounted and arranged in any configuration to suit your specific real estate needs, and dependable batteries provide storage and resiliency.

Rest assured we’ll work closely with you to analyze your needs and custom design a solar generation system that works for you physically and financially. We’ll handle everything from design to installation to maintenance. We’re 100 percent turnkey. Hassle-free. All you do is enjoy clean, reliable power. And save money, of course.

We build partnerships based on trust.

We consider our customers part of the team. We’re not constantly trying to up-sell, cross-sell, or really sell you anything. We’re just providing you with clean, affordable, and reliable power. And we hope it’s for the long haul. That’s our goal, anyway: to provide you with the power you need for many years to come.

Risk Free Guarantee

Let’s Start a Conversation

We don’t sell you equipment. Or financing. You have zero capital expenditures. Zero maintenance responsibilities. Zero risk.

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